Escape Rooms


Players: 2-4 People​
Difficulty: Easy/Moderate (a little easier than typical Charlotte escape rooms)

Room Type: Linear

Puzzle Type: Pattern, Observation, Physical​
Considerations: Very small room, Family-oriented, great for younger players (6 and up)

Escape Rate: 90%

All new room for 2020!  This year has been a challenge – and Noel, our industrious and creative young friend – has just the thing to make things better.  The tiny confines of her family’s cabin set the backdrop for clues she has left for you.  Always the sensitive one, Noel has done her best to keep her young visitors engaged while still providing a challenge for fully-grown elves.  Even the grinchiest will emerge with a heavy dose of Christmas spirit!


Players: 4-8 People

Difficulty: Challenging

Room Type: Non-linear / segmented

Puzzle Type: Analytical

Considerations: Dark-themed, tension / a little creepy​

Will the run-down environment of a former police station hold the key to the safe return of three missing local police officers?  Your team of federal investigators is going to have to quickly assess the evidence to determine what happened – and make sure that your team doesn’t become another victim.  Precinct will require keen analytical skills and teamwork to relate the clues together, to work your way deeper into the facility, and to unravel the mystery.


Players: 2-6 People

Difficulty: Novice

Room Type: Non-linear

Puzzle Type: Varied / broad

Considerations: Great for first timers, fun & whimsical

You and your team are a group of alien enthusiasts. You have been messaging other enthusiasts on a breakthrough in 51 and you want to see for themselves. You have hatched a plan using the claimed inside man, Hauler. Can you and your team find 51 and see if Aliens really exist before the hour runs out?


Players: 2-8 People

Difficulty: Moderate

Room Type: Non-linear / circuits​

Puzzle Type: Language, symbolism, relational

Considerations: Single-room experience

Will you be able to discover the secret contained within the lavish office of a renowned magician?  Your ability to find the relationships between her stage props and the magical elements of her whimsical space will be challenged.  Magicians never give up their tricks easily – only through your keen intellect and powers of observation will you complete this reveal.


Players: 4-8 People

Difficulty: Moderate

Room Type: Non-linear / segmented​

Puzzle Type: Logic, interactive, observational

Considerations: Separation / split entrance, lighting effects, heavy tech (no locks or keys)

Recover the data!  The crew of the Sumundra – a genetic research station on the floor of the Indian Ocean – has made an incredible discovery.  It is up to your team to bring that discovery to the surface.  This high-tech deep sea laboratory is full of amazing devices that your team must master in order to recover the discovery.  But first – can you figure out how to shut off that blaring alarm and rejoin the rest of your team?